How to Recover After Osteosarcoma Surgery
Having surgery as part of a treatment plan for osteosarcoma is fairly common. Once you have had the tumor removed, you must work on recovering from the surgery. The extent of your recovery depends upon the extent of the surgery. For example, it will be more difficult to recover from an amputation than from a surgery that removes only the cancerous part of the bone. Read on to learn more about how to recover after osteosarcoma surgery.Instructions
Follow the doctor's orders. Your doctor will outline your treatment and recovery plan. Following those plans may be difficult at times but, eventually, your persistence will pay off.
Ask questions. If you have any questions about your surgery, recovery or treatment plan, ask them. Unanswered question will cause you undue stress and that stress can impede your recovery.
Accept help. Friends and family will probably want to help you during your recovery. Accept this help and use the extra time that you have to rest. A well rested body will heal better.
Prepare yourself for chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of the two. You have to be mentally strong to endure these. Find out all you can about the series of treatments you will go through. Make sure that you have books or crossword puzzles to occupy your mind if your procedures will be lengthy.
Focus on the positive. It may be difficult to find the positive aspects of your situation. Once you start searching, you will find some things for which you can be thankful. Focus on these. A positive mind is necessary when you are dealing with cancer.