The Best Natural Cures for Bone Cancer
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has been used as a healing agent for hundreds of years. More recently, scientists have found that aloe vera may have the ability to stop cancer cells when chemotherapy does not work, according to researchers at Natural Cancer Solutions. Moreover, when aloe vera is combined with cancer killing drugs, the combination is believed to work better than either treatment alone. Aloe vera comes in many forms. According to Natural Cancer Solutions, the blend of aloe vera found in Aloeride is the most effective to fight bone cancer. This is because it can stop the growth of cancerous cells without impairing the reproduction of healthy cells.
Calcium, Strontium, Magnesium
Bone cancer causes the bones in your body to become very brittle. This increases the risk that your bones will break, causing all sorts of medical problems and making it more difficult to fight bone cancer. Consequently, when you have bone cancer, it is imperative to keep your bones healthy and strong. Calcium is the best way to keep your bones strong. One of the easiest ways to get lots of calcium is to consume lots of milk. In addition, strontium (natural trace mineral) and magnesium will help to strengthen your bones. These supplements are relatively common and can be found at most health food stores.
Exercise plays a role in preventing some cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. Moreover, exercising while you are being treated for bone cancer can have many benefits. These include improving your heart and circulation, reducing fatigue, lowering anxiety and depression and increasing self-esteem. While exercise does not cure cancer, it puts you in a better position to fight it. The American Cancer Society recommends that you persuade friends and family to join in with your new exercise routine. This will provide much needed support and make the entire process more enjoyable. As always, you should talk to a doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
Roughly 1,300 people die every year from bone cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. While many people believe that natural remedies can help people suffering from bone cancer, there is no scientific proof that these remedies cure bone cancer. Consequently, it is imperative that you seek medical advice if you are diagnosed with bone cancer so that you can weigh your options and make an educated decision.