Maxillary Sinus Tumor Symptoms
The National Cancer Institute, defines a tumor as a mass of extra tissue caused by new cells produced when they are not needed.
Benign tumors generally cause no health issues. Benign tumors only cause issues when they block air flow or impede sinus drainage. Malignant tumors are cancerous. They often grow beyond the sinus region and affect other tissues.
Nose Symptoms
Maxillary sinus tumors cause many symptoms in the nose. According to Cedars-Sinai common nose related symptoms are persistent nasal congestion, especially on one side; post-nasal drip; frequent and persistent nosebleeds and loss of sense of smell or taste.
Facial Pain
Pressure below the eyes and tenderness of the cheeks sometimes accompany maxillary sinus tumors. When a tumor becomes very large it presses on other tissues and causes inflammation, which leads to the pain and tenderness.
Since maxillary sinus tumors put pressure on tissues in the head they sometimes cause sinus headaches. The University of Maryland Medical Center describes sinus headaches as "a dull, deep, throbbing pain in the front of your head and face."
Sinus Infections
Maxillary sinus tumors potentially block the drainage of mucus from the cavity. This can lead to a bacterial sinus infection. Symptoms include tenderness of the face, sinus headaches, difficulty breathing and dizziness.