Temporal Lobe Tumor
Temporal Lobe
Your cerebral hemispheres--the two large upper sections of your brain--are divided into four parts. One of these parts is the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is responsible for helping you understand sounds and spoken words. This lobe also controls your emotions, memory, depth perception and sense of time.
Benign Tumors
Benign temporal lobe tumors do not contain any cancer cells. Most benign temporal lobe tumors can be removed through surgery and are not likely to return. Benign temporal lobe tumors usually have an easily identified edge or border. These tumors do not spread into or damage the surrounding healthy lobe cells. Although benign temporal lobe tumors are not cancerous, they can still be life-threatening. If the tumor grows too large it can crowd the surrounding brain tissue. Benign temporal lobe tumors can cause serious swelling in the brain and seizures.
Malignant Tumors
Malignant temporal lobe tumors contain cancer cells. These temporal lobe tumors will grow rapidly and invade nearby healthy brain cells. Malignant temporal lobe tumors can spread to other areas in the brain or to other organs. This happens when the cancer cells break away from the temporal lobe tumor and enter your blood stream or lymphatic system. The cells then travel to other locations and begin to grow new tumors. Malignant temporal lobe tumors require an aggressive treatment plan.
The symptoms you may experience depend on the size and location of the tumor in your brain. Temporal lobe tumors most commonly cause seizures, convulsions, numbness in your arms or legs and problems with vision or hearing.Other possible symptoms of temporal lobe tumors include headaches that are worse in the morning, nausea, vomiting and changes in speech. You also may experience problems with balance and walking, memory, changes to your mood, personality or ability to concentrate.
In order to diagnosis your tumor, your doctor will ask you to complete several diagnostic tests. Physical and neurological exams will begin the process. You also may need to have X-rays taken or go for a CT scan or MRI. A sample of the tumor may need to be removed through a biopsy. A biopsy will allow doctors to examine the tumor cells under a microscope to determine malignancy. Your doctors will attempt to determine where the tumor is located, if this is the primary tumor site and if the tumor is malignant.
Treatment will depend on if the tumor is cancerous and if it is the primary tumor. Common treatments for temporal lobe tumors include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. You may undergo a combination of one or more of the treatment options. Non-cancerous temporal lobe tumors are less likely to need chemotherapy or radiation. Discuss all your treatment options with your doctor. Understand your treatment plan and prepare for side effects.