Alternative Treatment Glioma
Treatment Problems
Gliomas don't respond well to traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation and the brain can suffer damage in the process. Capillaries filled with tightly-packed endothelial cells provide a blood brain barrier, and while trying to protect the brain, may inhibit life-saving chemicals from reaching the tumor.
Budwig Diet and Protocol
Dr. Johanna Budwig was a German research scientist in Europe and a seven-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was considered to be an expert authority on fats and oils. Dr. Budwig's research uncovered a link between commercially-processed fats and oils, and their effect on our mind and body. The chemical treatment of unsaturated fats and oils destroys our cell membranes and the electrons that keep the cell membranes working properly, leading to chronic and terminal diseases.
Dr. Budwig discovered when she combined electron-rich flaxseed oil with cottage cheese and its rich supply of sulphur protein, the oil became water soluble, and absorbed easily into cell membranes. Terminally ill patients with cancer should be consuming 6 to 8 tablespoons of oil a day. Once the cancer is under control, a maintenance dose of 1 tablespoon per 100 pounds needed to be continued. Results may take three to six months.
Flax seed oil should be refrigerated when purchased. The ratio is 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese to 1 tablespoon of oil. Blend with an immersion blender until all oil is absorbed. Mix fresh as needed, and slowly work your way up to a higher dosage.
In addition, hydrogenated fats, sugar, white flour, preservatives, chemicals, and processed foods should be avoided, and warm drinks such as green or herbal teas, should be consumed at least three times a day.
Testimonials emerged from patients who had run out of treatment options, and were now living a healthy, cancer-free life.
Gliadel Wafer
The Gliadel wafer is the first FDA approved brain cancer treatment, which delivers chemotherapy directly to the tumor. This biodegradable wafer is placed by the brain surgeon into the area where the tumor was taken out. As the implant slowly dissolves, it releases medication to the surrounding areas. If the tumor area is large, up to eight implants may be placed at each surgery.
If you experience swelling, or pressure inside the skull, notify your oncologist immediately. Alternative treatments may not work quickly enough to prevent sudden death.