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Cerebral Tumor Types and Symptoms

Types and symptoms of a cerebral tumor depend on the location and the malignancy of the tumor. Your brain is the center of all your body functions. Each area of the brain controls a different function. The symptoms you experience will depend on which area the tumor is located in. The type of tumor will be decided by the location and the type of cells the tumor is made from.
  1. Types

    • There are more than 120 different types of cerebral tumors. Cerebral tumors are classified by their origin in the brain and by the behavior of their cells. The tumor's rate of growth is rated using a grading system. The growth rate is graded on a scale of one to four. Grade 1 is the least malignant and grade 4 is the most malignant. Each type of tumor uses slightly different criteria for assigning a grade to a tumor.


    • Symptoms of cerebral tumors are similar to symptoms of other illnesses. Since the brain controls all your body functions symptoms of a tumor manifest in almost any part of your body. If you have any of the following symptoms and are concerned see your doctor. Your doctor may need to perform several different tests before you are diagnosed. Early detection is important for successful treatment of cerebral tumors.


    • Headaches are a common first symptom of cerebral tumors. They are usually worse in the morning and improve through out the day. Your headache might wake you up while you are sleeping. These headaches can cause vomiting. They often get worse when you cough, exercise or quickly change position. A headache caused by a tumor will be helped by normal headache remedies.


    • Seizures are caused when a tumor disrupts the flow of electricity in your brain. This can cause convulsions or a loss of consciousness. Seizures also cause twitching in muscles, jerking of arms or legs, problems talking, and numbness or tingling. Even small seizures can cause permanent damage. If think you have had a seizure, get medical attention right away.

    Mental of Personality Changes

    • Cerebral tumors can cause memory loss. Your short term memory is especially affected. Tumors can also affect your ability to speak or concentrate. Tumors may cause you to become confused easily. Personality changes like a change in temperament or a change in normal behavior have also been linked to cerebral tumors.

    Focal Symptoms

    • Focal symptoms help your doctor locate the tumor. These symptoms affect one particular body function. This will give your doctor a clue as to where in your brain the tumor is located. Focal symptoms include ringing in the ear, hearing loss, decreased muscle control, weakness, paralysis, lack of coordination, and loss of balance, double vision, and difficulty walking or speaking.

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