Brain Cancer & Wheatgrass
The reason wheatgrass in beneficial to the prevention of brain cancer is because it contains 70 percent of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has a similar molecular structure as hemoglobin or red blood cells. Chlorophyll increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood system, which means that it also increases the amount of oxygen in the body. The more oxygen the body gets, the more the oxygen decreases the risks of cancer. Wheatgrass juice is known to build red blood cells immediately after it has been ingested, stabilizes high blood pressure, and enhances the growth of healthy tissue cells. It also cleanses the body of toxins.
There are any number of other properties found in wheatgrass. In fact, they are nearly endless. Wheatgrass contains thirteen different vitamins, some of which are antioxidants. B12, vitamins A, C, E, a large variety of minerals including magnesium, folic acid, and all twenty amino acids can be found in wheatgrass. Hormones such as abscisic acid, over thirty enzymes such as the antioxidant SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), cytochrome oxidase, and many other nutrients are also contained in wheatgrass. Other anti-cancer properties found in wheatgrass includes selenium and laetrile. Along with chlorophyll, selenium builds the immunity system. A strong immune system can lead to a decreased risk of all diseases, including all kinds of cancer. Wheatgrass is also high in alkaline. Any of these properties have been known to aid in fighting and decreasing the risk of diseases such as brain cancer.
Exactly how wheatgrass fights brain cancer is multi-fold, depending on which property is actually working. For instance, SOD is capable of converting harmful free radicals such as Reactive Oxygen Species into a hydrogen peroxide molecule and an oxygen molecule. Both of these molecules enhance the levels of oxygen that can kill cancer cells. Chlorophyll is able to eliminate the poison of carbon dioxide in the body and also increase the amount of free oxygen. Alkaline reduces microbes in the blood cells. There are two types of brain cancer: primary brain cancer which is located primarily in the brain and metastatic brain cancer which begins elsewhere and travels to the brain. Any number of the properties found in wheatgrass can prevent metastatic brain cancer by killing cancerous cells in the body and preventing them from metastasizing in the brain. Since blood travels to the brain, the properties in wheatgrass can also possibly aid in the prevention of primary brain cancer as well.
Expert Insight
According to Dr. Judy Ford, a geneticist and Science Communicator, intervention studies have revealed that the cellular measure of chromosomal damage is decreased when people ingest 200 to 400 micrograms of folic acid and more than 2 micrograms B12 daily. Young adults benefit from a daily ingestion of 700 micrograms folic acid and 7 micrograms B12. It has yet to be proven that a high consumption of folate and b12 can prevent all cancers, including brain cancer, though there have been suggestions that lead to this possible conclusion. What is known is that protection against colon cancer is highly aided by taking folic acid supplements. Since wheatgrass is rich in folic acid, it is an effective health supplement. A study in the journal Mutation Research has shown that chlorophyll is a far more effective anti-mutagen than beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, and E.
Juicing wheatgrass is highly effective and beneficial to preventing brain cancer. But there are questions as to when to digest the drink after the wheatgrass has been cut. Some suggest immediately after the wheatgrass has been cut. Others suggest that the potency of such hormones as Abscisic acid is forty times greater four hours after the wheatgrass has been cut. Others still state that both techniques are beneficial. What is known is that drinking wheatgrass is more highly effective when combined with other supplements, such as extra levels of B12. Foods that are rich in B12 include shellfish and crustaceons, dairy and eggs, which have similar amounts of B12 as in wheatgrass. For vegetarians, B12 supplements work just as effectively.