Uncommon Brain Tumor Symptoms
Cerebellum Tumors
Tumors in the cerebellum can lead to problems with motor movements, and thereby affect muscle function, including writing, walking or speech.
Brainstem Tumors
Tumors in the brainstem can lead to walking problems, vision problems, hearing loss, head tilt, droopy face or eyelid (stroke-like), difficulty moving one or both eyes, sleepiness, impaired judgment or personality changes.
Frontal Lobe Tumors
Tumors in the frontal lobe can cause problems with language, writing, personality, critical thinking, behavior, memory and intellectual function, as well as seizures, paralysis on one side, loss of smell, vision problems and urinary frequency.
Occipital Lobe Tumors
Tumors in the occipital lobe can cause blindness and other vision problems, as well as seizures.
Parietal Lobe Tumors
Tumors in the parietal lobe can lead to seizures, difficulty orienting the body in space, loss of ability to recognize body parts, problems with math and calculations, loss of the ability to read and difficulty knowing left from right.
Temporal Lobe Tumors
Tumors in the temporal lobe can lead to problems with timing, depth perception, sound recognition, vision and often cause seizures.
Other Possible Symptoms
Other possible brain tumor symptoms include ringing or buzzing in the ears, dizziness, sensation changes, weakness, numbness, paralysis, appetite, growth changes, abnormal pupils, hormonal changes, breast enlargement, breast secretions, swaying, staggering, tremors and fainting.