How to Find a Schwannoma Surgeon
Check resources developed by professional organizations. The American Academy of Otolaryngology provides an online search tool that allows you to find a nearby Schwannoma surgeon. You may search for a surgeon by city, state or postal code; you may also search by specialty from the Academy's drop-down menu of subspecialties of otolaryngology. Although some surgeons who treat Schwannoma do not specify a subspecialty, others do identify with the subspecialties of neurotology and otology.
Use directories published by patient advocacy groups. Nonprofit organizations that advocate for patients with Schwannoma publish tools to find surgeons who treat the disease, as well as lists and directories of medical centers where you can receive expert care. The Acoustic Neuroma Association publishes directories of both otolaryngologists who treat Schwannoma and medical centers where you can find Schwannoma experts. Acoustic Neuroma World, a nonprofit group run by Schwannoma patients for Schwannoma patients, offers a world map of centers that specialize in acoustic neuroma as well as a worldwide directory of expert physicians.
Contact your nearest teaching hospital or medical school. Every teaching hospital and medical school has an otolaryngology division staffed by expert physicians and staff who can treat Schwannoma. The Association of American Medical Colleges publishes a list of all 130 accredited medical schools in the U.S. and Canada, with complete contact information and website links.
Ask your doctor for a referral. Your family doctor or internist can help you find a surgeon to treat Schwannoma. As part of his referral, your regular physician can also take into account your personal preferences and needs when he searches his professional network for a qualified otolaryngologist to treat your Schwannoma.