CMF Protocol
Dose and Duration
Standard dosages for CMF are cyclophosphamide 600 mg/M2 to 750 mg/M2, methotrexate 40 mg/M2 and 5-florouracil 600 mg/M2. These are administered together every 21 days for six to eight treatments as prescribed by the oncologist. The oncologist should review the treatment after each cycle and do a formal review after three cycles. Treatment can be adjusted based on side effects or reactions to the treatment.
Side Effects
Side effects can be dangerous and require a change or cessation of treatment. A reduction in white and red blood cells, nausea and vomiting, hair loss, kidney or bladder irritation, taste change or lack of appetite are common. The ovaries of premenopausal women can be damaged and lead to temporary or permanent infertility. Cardiovascular effects have been noted in women with existing heart conditions. Some drugs are known to interact with the treatment drugs.
Experts meeting at the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer in November 2000 recommended that women receive chemotherapy, including CMF treatment, because it has been shown to significantly reduce the recurrence of cancer.