What are the Side Effects of a Mammogram?
During the Procedure
During a mammogram, an x-ray technician uses a special platform to compress your breast. Although this does no damage to your breast tissue, you may experience discomfort from the pressure, explains the Radiological Society of North America.
Mammograms expose your body to radioactive energy, and this poses a slight risk of side effects. Amongst the possible adverse reactions from exposure to radioactive energy are decreases in blood cell counts, vomiting, diarrhea, skin reactions as well as a slight increase in the risk of developing cancer later in life, explains Virtual Medical Centre.
The federal government places guidelines about the amount of radiation that women can be exposed to during mammograms, which keeps the levels of radiation low and makes side effects unlikely, explains the Radiological Society of North America.
Because mammograms administer radiation close to the pelvis, doctors rarely prescribe the test for women who are pregnant in order to prevent any potential harm to the developing fetus, reports the Radiological Society of North America.
Expert Insight
Overall, the Mayo Clinic reports that any side effects of mammograms are very minimal and pose far less risk than leaving a breast tumor undiagnosed.