| | Cancer | Breast Cancer
Define Mastectomy
Partial Mastectomy
In a partial mastectomy, about 25 percent of the breast is removed. This is suitable for removing small tumors or in early stage cancer.
Total Mastectomy
In a total mastectomy, the entire breast is removed, along with the skin and nipple.
Modified Radical Mastectomy
The modified radical mastectomy is the most common type. It consists of a total mastectomy plus removal of the lymph nodes in the armpit. Breast cancer can spread to these axillary lymph nodes
Radical Mastectomy
A radical mastectomy is similar to a modified radical mastectomy except the muscle lining the chest wall also is removed. This is a drastic procedure which is not done frequently.
Factors Affecting Surgery
The type of mastectomy performed depends on factors including breast size, cancer stage and whether reconstructive breast surgery is planned afterward.