How to Juice Broccoli to Prevent Brest Cancer
Broccoli, as part of the cabbage family of vegetables, has demonstrated remarkable anticancer effects. Broccoli is one of the richest source of vitamin C. A cup of broccoli has the same protein as a cup of rice or corn but only 1/3 of the calories.
Drinking 1 cup of broccoli juice a day has proven to dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer. Broccoli is high in vitamin A and C, potassium, calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
Broccoli juice is bitter and should be mixed with other fruit or vegetables to taste. Best with carrots and or apple juice.
A simple Juice recipe is 1 broccoli spear and 3 carrots. You can add a celery stalk or a half cup of parsley. This will give you high vitamin C, folic acid and the nutrients needed that helps reduce the risk of many cancers, especially breast cancer.
Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, and Cabbage have similar nutritional benefits as Broccoli. They can be substituted with broccoli and you will still have a juice high in vitamin C and with anticancer effects.