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How to Prepare for a Mammogram

Many women feel anxious about having a mammogram simply because they are unsure of what to expect. However, it's important to prepare for your first mammogram sometime after age 40, or sooner if you have certain risk factors. Leave some of the anxiety behind by learning how to prepare for a mammogram.

Things You'll Need

  • Results of previous mammograms, if applicable
  • Over-the-counter pain medication
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      Consult your physician to discuss the best time to prepare for a mammogram. Your doctor will need to be informed of your medical history (including previous surgeries and hormone therapy, if applicable), any changes in your breasts and if there is any history of breast cancer in your family.

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      Prepare to schedule your mammogram appointment for the week following your period. This will reduce the likelihood of inflammation and breast tenderness.

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      Be prepared to bring any mammogram films previously done to your appointment, especially if they were performed at a different facility.

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      Reduce your risk of experiencing pain before you have your mammogram, especially if breast tenderness is an issue for you. Simply take 1 or 2 tablets of ibuprofen or acetaminophen about an hour before your mammogram appointment.

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      Plan to wear a 2-piece outfit to your mammogram. That way you'll only have to remove your top (note that you'll be given a robe or hospital gown to wear).

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      Avoid wearing deodorant, powder or skin lotion of any kind on the day of your mammogram. Certain metallic constituents of these products can appear on the screening results as spots and cause undue alarm.

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      Be aware that you may eat and drink before having a mammogram, but you should reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages and chocolate 3 to 4 days before your scheduled appointment. While science has yet to prove a correlation between caffeine and breast cysts conclusively, there does seem to be evidence to suggest that caffeine may increase benign breast lumps and lead to more discomfort during compression of the breasts while a mammogram is performed.

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      Continue to take any prescribed medications on the day of your mammogram, unless your physician instructs you otherwise. However, prepare to inform the technician conducting the mammogram of any medications you are taking, including the dosage.

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