Types of Collagen X Antibodies
More on Collagen
Collagen is found not only in your connective tissues, but also in your skin, eyes and bones. It is very vital to your health and body functions. On the molecular level, collagen is composed of chains of amino acids, occurring in interwoven bundles ("helices") each consisting of three chains. This structure makes collagen strong and perfectly suited for the task of connecting body tissues. Collagen is also very useful in other fields. For instance, natural glue and animal-based gelatin are both made from collagen. Collagen is also used in cosmetic and reconstructive medical procedures.
More on Antibodies
Antibodies, which are also collectively called immunoglobulin, are proteins that your immune system uses to fight against foreign pathogens that enter and attack body systems. All antibodies are Y-shaped; this shape allows antibodies to attach to antigens (foreign matter) and deactivate them. Collagen antibodies attach to and react with different types of collagen. Often this reaction is positive to one's health, as antibodies attempt to correct collagen disorders.
Types of Collagen
There are 29 types of collagen that scientists have identified, each found in a different part of the body and each performing different functions. Each type is assigned a Roman numeral I through XXIX. For example, collagen IV is found in the basal lamina and lens of the eye, and collagen V is found in the placenta. The various types of collagen are prone to certain gene-mutation disorders, such as Marfan's syndrome and Ulrich myopathy, which cause abnormalities in the human body.
More on Collagen X
Collagen X is found in various parts of the body, particularly when those parts undergo hypertrophy, or increased growth. When a pregnant woman's breasts and uterus become enlarged, collagen X is present. Collagen X (also called collagen alpha-1(X) chain) is located on the gene COL10A1 on the human genome. Abnormalities in this gene for Collagen X cause the disorder Schmid metaphyseal dysplasia, which causes bones to become long and curved.
Collagen X Antibodies
Collagen X has several antibodies, some of which are only reactive in certain animals. For example, Mouse Anti-Chicken X Polyclonal Antibody is only reactive in chickens. Scientists are able to extract the antibody from mice. One antibody, called Rabbit Anti-Collagen X Polyclonal Antibody, is reactive in humans, mice and rats, though it is derived from rabbits. These antibodies are used mostly in scientific studies. Companies that provide biomedical and research supplies sell collagen X antibodies to researchers.