Zeolite Liquid Vs. Powder
Zeolite Powder
Zeolite is formed through volcanic activity, when the thick ash on the ground and in the air mixes with sea salt. This volcanic soil is collected and sold as zeolite powder. There are claims that powdered zeolite is the only effective form of zeolite, but these claims are made by people and companies who have commercial links to zeolite powder.
Liquid Zeolite
Zeolite is also sold as a liquid that can be taken as drops. It is a clear, nearly tasteless, odorless liquid. Because zeolite can cause dehydration, it is recommended that these drops be taken with water. Companies selling liquid zeolite claim that theirs is the more effective form, because the liquid can penetrate the body's cells more efficiently.
Liquid Vs. Powder
When evaluating the claims of liquid zeolite versus zeolite powder, remember that no scientific research has been done that supports any health claims for zeolite. No animal or human clinical trials have been performed, and most evidence of zeolite's detoxifying and cancer-preventing properties is anecdotal. The claims of any person or company about the superiority of either liquid or powdered zeolite should be considered in light of any commercial ties either might have with either product.