Radiotherapy and Tiredness
Why You're Tired During Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy causes damage to healthy cells as it works to destroy cancer cells. Your body has to repair this damage, which drains your energy and makes you feel weak and fatigued.
How Long Will Your Tiredness Last?
Tiredness or fatigue tends to begin during the first week of radiotherapy treatment, reaching a peak after about two weeks of treatment. Usually it subsides a few weeks after radiotherapy is finished.
How to Cope with Radiotherapy-Induced Tiredness
Sit down often. Make sure you have chairs available all over the house so you can sit anytime you need to, including when you get dressed, do household tasks, or play with your children. Don't feel guilty about your fatigue. Eat a healthy diet, including plenty of carbohydrates for energy, but avoid refined sugar so you don't have an energy trough. Eat lots of small meals, and always have healthy snacks on hand. Ask friends to run errands for you. Get some exercise, particularly anaerobic exercise which will open up your lungs. Take cat naps during the day.