How to Know If You Have Cancer
Check for sores that don't heal. In particular look for and keep an eye on sores that don't get better over time, are getting larger, are starting to hurt more and/or are starting to bleed. These are all potential signs of skin cancer.
Examine any new lumps that have developed on your body. A sudden, unexplainable lump could be cancerous, particularly if it's found in the breast area on women or the scrotum area on men.
Study new and existing moles on your body to see if they change shape, color and/or size. If any of these things happens, it could be a sign of melanoma, a less-common form of skin cancer that primarily affects white males.
Monitor a nagging cough and other, related problems. Lung cancer can cause a persistent cough, as well as shortness of breath, a change in voice, extreme hoarseness and even coughing up blood. If you are a smoker, you should definitely be aware of these symptoms.
Keep an eye out for any unusual, unexplained bleeding. For instance, if blood begins to discharge from the nipples, penis or other orifices, it could be a sign of cancer of the internal organs. Blood in your urine or excrement could also be a sign of cancer.
See a doctor. If you've experienced any of the above symptoms and suspect it might be due to cancer, make an appointment with a doctor and have tests run. It's the one way to find out for certain if you have it, what type it is and what, if anything, can be done to cure it.