Cesium Chloride Alternative Cancer Treatment
Cancer Overview
Healthy cells are surrounded by a membrane that allows oxygen and nutrients to flow in and out of the cell. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow into the cell and waste products flow out of the cell. However when carcinogens, or toxins, overwhelm the immune system, the natural cell process is damaged and the oxygen cannot flow correctly. When this occurs, the cells attempt to survive through the process of fermentation, which forms anaerobic cancer cells. These cells must be destroyed as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading.
Cesium (CsCl) Function
Cesium is a natural alkaline mineral with the chemical formula CsCl. Cesium chloride is a salt form of cesium, according to AlternativeCancer.us. This alkaline element is able to limit the cell's uptake in glucose, which in turn starves the cell and slows down the fermentation process. The element also increases the pH levels of the cell, which allows the cancer cells to die. Higher pH levels also neutralize the weak lactic acid in the body to prevent pain formed from the cancer.
The first attempt at using cesium chloride to treat cancer patients was in 1984 by Keith Brewer, Ph.D. He treated 30 patients with a variety of cancer types, and all 30 patients survived. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of cesium chloride as a cancer treatment. Fifty terminal cancer patients were treated with cesium chloride and other herbal supplements at the Life Science Universal Medical Center Clinics in Rockville, MD from 1981 to 1984. The tumor mass of all 50 patients was reduced after 48 hours, and 25 of the patients went into remission.
Cesium chloride does not work for everyone. According to AlternativeCancer.us, a dose as low as .5 grams per day could actually increase the growth of tumors. A dose of 3 to 6 g per day is needed to be effective. For people who are calcium-deficient, the body is unable to increase the pH levels. These people should take calcium tablets to improve the effects of cesium chloride. Other supplements that assist cesium chloride include vitamin C, zinc and potassium, which are often prescribed along with the consumption of cesium chloride pills.
Expert Insight
Side effects from taking cesium chloride have been reported rarely. They include ventricular tachycardia, which is an irregular heartbeat condition that can result in cardiac death if not treated, nausea, potassium depletion and diarrhea. Also, AlternativeCancer.us states that this treatment is not proven to work for everyone, and that most alternative cancer treatments work on a minority of people. You should talk to your doctor about the treatment that is right for you.