Biotherapy Side Effects
Biotherapy is also known as biological therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or biological response modifier therapy. Biotherapy is used to boost the immune system by restoring its ability to stop or slow the growth of cancer cells, or to keep cancer from spreading. It interferes with the cancer tumor's ability to grow its own blood supply. Biotherapy also helps interrupt the signal system in cancer cells; this helps prevent the cells from growing and dividing.
Types of Biotherapy
There are three types of biotherapy and all have specific characteristics; these include monoclonal antibodies, growth factors and cancer vaccines. The monoclonal antibodies will target and destroy a specific characteristic of the cancer cell. Monoclonal differs from chemotherapy by targeting only cancer cells, leaving healthy cells undamaged. Growth factors will help the body manufacture bloods cells, which helps reduce side effects. Vaccines will help the body keep cancer from recurring.
Side Effects
Biotherapy does not attack healthy cells, but it can still have some side effects. The most common are skin rashes and flu-like symptoms -- body aches, chills and fever. Because biotherapy is often given in combination with chemotherapy, check with your doctor to find out what these side effects may be.
Treatment Options
Biotherapy is administered the same was as chemotherapy. It can be given intravenously, as an injection or by mouth. Often biotherapy treatments are given in combination with chemotherapy, or with other types of conventional cancer treatments.
For Pancreatic Cancer
The Cancer Treatment Centers of America reports that biotherapy is being used as an aid in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. It is used to help stimulate, repair or enhance the body's own natural immune responses. Biotherapy may be the primary treatment for pancreatic cancer or it may be used with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
According to The Wellness Community, biotherapy is the most active area of cancer treatment research. Treatments vary and the recommended biotherapy treatment will depend on your type of cancer.