Fruits That Prevent Cancer
Eating more fruit instead of junk food prevents weight gain. Jeanne Calle, Director of Aanalytic Epidemiology at the American Cancer Society, published a study that stated being overweight or obese raises the risk of dying from cancer.
Fresh Fruit
Dr. Bernard Levin M.D., Vice President for Cancer Prevention at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, wrote in his book Colorectal Cancer, "The key dietary strategy for preventing cancer of the large bowel is to increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits (especially vegetables) while lowering the amount of fat you eat."
Fruit, along with vegetables, are high in fiber--something many Americans are lacking in their diet. Fiber is one of the properties of fruit that can help prevent stomach and intestine cancers. Dr. Levin also gave a list of the best fruits for nutrition: berries, cantaloupes, mangos, persimmons, papayas and dried apricots.
The American Cancer Society wrote that diets high in apples, berries, along with vegetables may cut the risk of pancreatic cancer. Smokers seem to get the most benefit of reduced risk because smoking already had put them at a much higher risk.
Black Raspberries
The March, 2006 issue of Cancer Research discussed a study that showed black raspberries actually slowed the growth rate of pre-malignant cancerous cells and caused them to die in rats.