What Are the Treatments for Stage 1B Endrometrial Cancer?

Endometrial cancer is characterized by uncontrolled multiplication of cells lining the uterus. As per the NCI (National Cancer Institute), nearly 42,000 people are diagnosed with this form of cancer in the United States annually. Depending upon the spreading of the cancer cells, it is divided into different stages. In stage 1B of endometrial cancer, the malignant cells affect less than 50 percent of the tissues of the uterus.
  1. Treatment for Stage 1B Endometrial Cancer

    • As with most forms of cancer, no complete cure is available for endometrial cancer. However, according to the National Cancer Institute, surgical removal of the cancer cells is one of the most common treatments administered to patients. Post-surgery radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be administered in order to prevent the recurrence of the malignant cells.

    Time Frame

    • For treating stage 1B of endometrial cancer, radiation therapy is generally administered two to three times a week for nearly a month.

    Survival Rate

    • As per the National Cancer Institute statistics, the average survival rate of patients suffering from 1B endometrial cancer is approximately 69 percent.


    • According to the American Cancer Society loose bowels, upset stomach. fatigue, tiredness, urinary disorders are some of the common side effects of radiation therapy when used to treat endometrial cancer.


    • Doctors may advise against overexposure to the sun and environmental pollutants while you are undergoing radiation treatment for stage 1B endometrial cancer.

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