Cesium Chloride Information

Cesium chloride is a chemical compound made of the rare metal cesium and the halogen chlorine. The formula is CsCl. The radioactive form of cesium can be incorporated into cesium chloride and used in radiation therapy to treat cancer.
  1. Applications

    • Cesium chloride is used as an alternative medicine for patients with cancer. Specifically, high pH therapy with cesium chloride is designed to increase the pH of tumor cells, thereby slowing their growth.


    • There isn't any conclusive proof that high pH therapy with cesium chloride works. Some animal models have shown reduced tumor growth, but how that translates to humans is unclear.

    Side Effects

    • Cesium chloride has several side effects, including unusual hearth rhythm, seizures, loss of consciousness and electrolyte imbalance.


    • Cesium chloride is a supplement and not an FDA-approved drug. The purity, effectiveness and dosage stated by the manufacture cannot be verified and may not be safe for everyone.


    • The correlation between high concentration of alkali metals in the soil of a region and a low incidence of cancer led scientists to conclude in the early 1920s that cesium was an antitumor agent. This was quickly dismissed a decade later. The concept of high pH therapy was introduced in the 1980s.

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