How to Administer Chemo Drugs
Chemotherapy regimens vary widely. Some allow for at-home administration.Some are administered at a local physician's office. And some require a visit to the hospital. It all depends on the drugs used and they given. Be clear about the general protocol before administering chemo drugs.
Speak with your physician about the appropriate method for introducing the drug into your body. Some chemotherapy regimens are fairly easy to take, since the drugs are ingested through via pill or liquid. Other types of chemotherapy require intramuscular injections, which can be given by a doctor in his office. The most common form of chemotherapy, however, requires injecting directly into the veins with an IV.
Carefully follow the indicated timing and dosage protocol if you are taking chemotherapy drugs outside your physician's direct supervision. Be clear on how often you are supposed to take the drugs, along with the appropriate time of day and the appropriate circumstances for administration (for example, whether the drugs should be taken on a full or empty stomach). Chemotherapy is a precise protocol that requires minute attention to detail for full effect, so if you feel you are unable to fully comply with instructions, request that your doctor administer your chemotherapy medications.