Essiac Natural Cancer Treatment
Traditionally, Essiac consisted of four herbs: sheep sorrel, Turkish rhubarb root, slippery elm bark, and burdock root. Today several variations exist, including products sold as Flor-essence and Esiak Tea.
For over 50 years, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse reportedly cured thousands of cancer patients using Essiac, including many whom doctors had pronounced "incurable."
The herbs, sheep sorrel, and burdock root are known to kill cancer cells. Slippery elm bark and Turkish rhubarb are herbs known to support immune function and have a detoxifying effect on the body.
In 1938, Essiac was only three votes shy of being legalized by the Ontario government as a remedy for terminal cancer patients.
Expert Insight
Dr. Gary Glum, in his book "Calling of an Angel," quotes Dr. Brusch, the personal physician of the late President John F. Kennedy, as saying, "The results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes and ages, with all types of cancer, definitely prove Essiac to be a cure for cancer."