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How to Prepare Essiac
The Essiac formula, which originated from an Indian medicine man, was introduced publicly in the 1920s by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. The original four herb formula (burdock root, sheep sorrel, Turkish rhubarb and slippery elm bark) is said to help fight cancer and, due to its immune-boosting and detoxifying effects on the body, may be helpful in the prevention or treatment of the common cold, flu and other health ailments. For maximum benefit, many recommend purchasing the dry herbs and making the tea at home rather than buying a product that is already brewed and bottled.Things You'll Need
- 3 1/4 cups burdock root (cut)
- 1/2 lb. sheep sorrel (powdered or cut)
- 1/8 lb. slippery elm bark (powdered)
- 1/2 oz. Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)
- Stainless steel stock pot with lid
- 1 gallon pure water
- Mesh strainer (fine)
- Stainless steel or wooden spoon
- Sterile glass bottles or jars with lids
- Small funnel (optional)
Put the herbs into the stock pot and add 1 gallon of pure water.
Bring the mixture to a boil; stir, letting the mixture boil hard for 15 to 20 minutes uncovered.
Move the pot away from the heat; stir well. Cover the pot securely with the lid and let it sit on top of the stove overnight (or about eight hours).
Stir and heat the mixture until it is very hot but not to the point of boiling.
Move the mixture away from the heat and let it settle for about 10 minutes.
Pour the mixture through a strainer and into glass jars, but do not tighten the lids until the jars have completely cooled.
To administer, add 2 tbsp. of the mixture to a cup of boiling water. Essiac tea should be sipped, not gulped. Drink the tea two or three times daily.