Infrared Treatment for Cancer

For many years people have known about the healing effects of heat and warmth. Today, after years of research scientists have developed Far Infrared technology (FIR). It uses heat and infrared radiations to reduce pain associated with various medical conditions and fight cancerous growths.
  1. Background

    • FIR is an alternative to many traditional cancer treatments including surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Infrared radiations (which are invisible to the naked eye) lessen the pain and discomfort of cancer while destroying malignant cells.

    Effects on Cancer Cells

    • FIR is widely used long with traditional treatments to reduce pain for cancer patients and also to destroy the cancerous cells and hence prevent their metastasis.

    Other Benefits

    • Studies show that FIR is beneficial in promoting detoxification (removal of toxic wastes from the body), increasing circulation of blood and oxygen along with reducing the pain associated with medical conditions such as arthritis, joint pains, and wounds among others.

    Time Frame

    • Far infrared therapy sessions are administered for approximately an hour for one to two month at a time. The duration of these sessions depends upon the stage of the cancer being treated.


    • Japan, United States, India, China and Germany, are among the countries currently studying the usages of infrared energy for cancer treatment. As the studies continue, scientists hope that combinations of infrared technology with traditional treatments will fight cancer even more effectively.

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