Exercises for Neck & Tongue Cancer
Tongue Exercise
Speech pathology involves exercises that aim to improve your range of motion. You will need to do these exercises for five to 10 minutes a few times a day.
In the first exercise, hold your tongue tip between the teeth, then swallow. Do this at least three times in succession.
In the second exercise, gargle with water or simply pretend to gargle. Do this at least three times in succession.
In the third exercise, stick out your tongue so that it is straight and proceed to pull your tongue back as far back as possible with a hold for a second. Do this at least three times.
In the fourth exercise, yawn. Do this at least one time.
Neck Exercise
Another form of exercise addresses the neck as a whole. To do the dorsal glide, sit or stand tall and look straight ahead. Tuck your chin in slowly as you glide your head backward over your body. This motion should look like someone is pushing against your forehead, so that your entire head moves straight back. Try to imagine a chicken moving his head forward and back. Repeat this for a minimum of eight times while holding for a count of six.
Shoulder Exercise
To further create strength in the neck area, the shoulders take an active role. You'll want to have a mat or relatively soft surface but not too soft. Laying face down with your arms placed beside you, slowly begin to lift your head and shoulders up from the floor. If you feel pain, don't reach as high. Look at the floor so that you don't arch your neck. Repeat at least eight times with a hold of at least six seconds each time. Remember that all of these exercises should be approved by your doctor and be done at the recommended pace.