How to Rid Toxins from the Body While Fighting Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Organic foods: whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits
- Soluble fiber supplements
- Pure water
- ¼ tsp. whole cumin seed
- ½ tsp. whole coriander
- ¼ tsp whole fennel
- 2 qt. boiling water
Maintain a well-balanced nutritious diet throughout your cancer treatment. When fighting cancer, it is extremely important to be cautious of the substances you are putting into your body. Aim to eat only organically grown foods, as these ensure that you are not consuming any additional harmful chemicals. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet heavy in whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid foods that contain refined sugar, artificial ingredients and copious amounts of fat. These foods will not only make your body feel sluggish, but also add more toxins to your already-polluted system. During cancer treatment, consider taking soluble fiber supplements to promote regular elimination of toxins. Speak with your doctor regarding the correct dosage of fiber for your body and condition. In addition, it is extremely important to drink plenty of water throughout your cancer treatment. Water is a key ingredient in flushing toxins out of the body. Drinking at least eight glasses of pure water every day will refresh, cleanse and detoxify the body.
Drink a detox tea to further enhance your detoxification. The magazine Natural Solutions suggests the following tea: ¼ tsp. of whole cumin seed, ½ tsp. of whole coriander and ¼ tsp. of whole fennel added to 2 qt. of boiled water. After letting the tea steep for several minutes, sip it throughout the day. The magazine suggests drinking this detox tea for at least two months. However, you should speak with your doctor before beginning this detoxification process. If your body is exceptionally weak from the cancer treatment, drinking this tea may be harmful to your health.
Add exercise do your daily routine. Exercise is a great method of detoxification; sweating draws harmful toxins and chemicals out of the body. However, most patients undergoing cancer treatment are weak and fatigued, making exercise virtually impossible. In this case, add subtle low-impact exercises to your daily routine. Aim to go for a short walk in the morning and evening. If you cannot handle two walks in one day, start with one and gradually work your way up to walking twice a day. Consider adding yoga to your daily routine as well. The practice of yoga not only cleanses the body, but also the mind. A healthy mind and body are both essential for successful cancer treatment.
Add holistic remedies to your cancer treatment, under the supervision of a professional. Just as with exercise, the sweat produced during heat treatments can be extremely effective at eliminating toxins from the body. Find a health spa that focuses on holistic treatments for cancer patients. Warm oil massages, steam baths and sauna treatments are all popular choices of detoxification for cancer patients.