NYS Aflac Cancer Policy Information
Aflac Insurance
Aflac Incorporated, short for American Family Life Insurance Company of Columbus, is the largest supplier of supplemental insurance in the United States. Aflac itself is based in Georgia and has separate sub-entities or franchises that offer coverage throughout the United States. Aflac New York is one of these entities; it provides coverage to patients within New York State. Aflac New York is one of the largest insurers in New York, and primarily offers group insurance through employers and/or large corporations, although individuals can also purchase private policies from its website or through a licensed insurance agent. Only New York State residents are eligible to purchase insurance from Aflac New York. Aflac Inc. and its subsidiaries were some of the first insurers to have a specific cancer policy and Aflac Inc. is often considered a pioneer within the industry, since its cancer policies began as early as 1958.
Aflac pioneered cancer policies at a time when the disease was on the rise. Over the years, Aflac insurance has developed a novel approach to spreading awareness of cancer, especially pediatric cancer. Aflac Insurance uses special mascots called Aflac Ducks to promote pediatric cancer research. Aflac Ducks are pitched as upscale, luxury products, whose proceeds are diverted to Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service in Children's Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia. These ducks gained popularity when they were promoted as ads on national television with several celebrities and models endorsing the mascot. Subsequently, this pitch generated inquiries from the public as to where they could buy these stuffed toy ducks, leading to the idea to use the ducks as a fundraiser for pediatric cancer research.
Aflac Inc.'s cancer policies vary slightly in content from one state to another. Aflac New York emphasizes that it recognizes that cancer can be a debilitating disease and that patients will require care for a long time, possibly for life. Aflac New York's policy on cancer covers treatment for primary cancer and metastasis (the spread of cancer). Coverage is also offered for complications resulting from treatment.
Aflac New York offers cancer policies that are among the most comprehensive in the industry. These policies cover not only the disease and its treatment but also many ancillary expenses. In addition to a $2,000 First Occurrence Benefit paid when the patient is first diagnosed with a cancer, Aflac New York also covers expenses for cancer screening year after year ($75); prosthesis ($3,000); in-patient blood and plasma supply ($50 per day); outpatient blood and plasma ($250); second surgical opinion ($200); ambulance ($200); transportation for the family (50 cents per mile); extended care ($150 per day for 30 days); hospice charges ($100 per day for 60 days); bone marrow transplantation ($10,000); insurance for the family, and premium waiver in case of inability to work at a full-time occupation for 90 continuous days. These benefits are in addition to coverage for regular treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
There is one situation in which the company's policies do not cover cancer. If cancer is pre-diagnosed before a person has purchased Aflac insurance, Aflac will not cover the cancer or the cost of any treatments.