How to Choose an Oncologist
Choosing the Right Oncologist
Check for board certification. This can be checked online, as well as by phone with the American Board of Medical Specialties (see References). By checking certification, you will see any complaints against the doctor, as well as if she is in good standing with the board. Patients should also review the oncologist's credentials that are normally displayed in her office.
Check for years of experience in oncology field. Patients searching for oncologist who have life-threatening diagnosis will feel more comfortable with an oncologist who has been practicing the field for several years.
Get to know the oncologist. Before choosing the right oncologist for your treatment, you need to make sure that you feel comfortable with him. Ask the oncologist questions you may have regarding treatments available, and see if the doctor listens to you and answers your questions completely. Ask other patients in the oncologist's care to see how well they are treated.
Make sure hours are flexible. Ensure that you can get in touch with your oncologist if you have any concerns. This means office hours, as well as hours outside of work, are available to you if you need them. You'll also want to find out who will care for you in case that your oncologist is not available to you.
Ensure that your doctor will share your results with you. There will be several tests executed to see how extensive the cancer is and various treatment options will be available.