Chinese Herbs for Bone Cancer

Cancer can be a horrible and debilitating disease where the treatments, in some instances can produce worse symptoms than the illness. Today there may be new hope for alternative treatments that relieve pain, prolong life and even in some cases rid the body of the disease. The evidence is so overwhelming that The Food and Drug Administration has approved phase two tests for several Chinese herbs.
  1. Pain Relief

    • According to the Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care, several patients have been helped greatly by the use of Chinese herbs. Once case in particular reported of a gentleman who had tried all forms of conventional treatment and sought alternative methods to control the pain he was feeling from bone cancer. Within weeks of taking tea with Chinese herbs, his pain was gone and he was experiencing a greater quality of life.


    • The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care documents a case where a patient regained their appetite after drinking a combination of Chinese Herbal Teas. After chemotherapy had failed to produce any significant results, the herbs helped her regain her interest in food and some of her strength. The patient did eventually die but was reported as having a much greater quality of life in her final days.


    • The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care documents yet another case of a 73 year old woman with cancer affecting her spinal column. She opted for herbal treatment when swelling and constipation were making her life unbearable. After one week she had decreased her morphine intake dramatically, her bowel movements improved and her swelling had gone.

    The Immune System

    • Chinese Herbs provide a number of secondary advantages according to Dr. Roger Jahnke of The Health Action Clinic in Santa Barbara California. The herbs can help the patient's immune system remain strong during treatments such as chemo or radiation. These treatments can weaken the immune system making the cancer patient vulnerable to other illnesses.

    Tumor Reduction

    • The Health Action Clinic in Santa Barbara California also claims that the herbs Kelp and Pokeroot are among the most effective in reducing tumor size. Although Chinese medicine is usually taken with other treatments these, according to the clinic could work on their own with some patients.

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