Rife Technology
The Rife machine has 24 lenses and prisms of crystal quartz that illuminate the specimen one wavelength at a time.
Rife technology has been found effective in the treatment of cancer, tuberculosis, typhoid and many other disorders. Rife treatment, usually administered in three-minute increments, three days apart, has reportedly cured cancer in a three-month period.
Cancer Treatment
The Rife machine directly affects the polymorphosis of bacteria, some of which have been identified in 90 percent of cancer cells. The Rife machine destroys these bacteria by discharging ionized gas tuned to precise radio frequencies.
An estimated 400,000 frequency devices and 600,000 electrical therapeutic devices based upon Rife technology are in use across the U.S. Some of these instruments are very effective, while others have limited capabilities.
Modern Uses
Rife technology is used in several modern therapies, including biofeedback machines, muscle stimulation, deep brain and nerve stimulation and bone growth stimulation.