Cost of Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is given to people who are suffering from certain health problems, such as cancer and hormonal imbalances. This type of treatment works to enhance the function of hormones, and to aid the body's healing process, eventually treating the underlying illness. Other types of hormone therapy include those that serve to preserve youth and vigor by enhancing cell performance, keeping the body resistant to diseases and preventing the signs of aging from becoming visible.
The cost of hormone therapy can vary greatly depending on the reasons for treatment as well as the type of treatment used. Basic hormone enhancement is relatively expensive if the participant is using it for cosmetic purposes or as a means to stay youthful. On the contrary, hormone treatments for cancer patients and persons with hormonal deficiencies can be quite costly. Treatments of this sort consist of a long process of therapy, requiring payments to be made throughout.
In general, there are two types of hormone therapy. The first is hormone enhancement, which is administered with capsules or tablets. Enhancers help to increase strength and muscle growth, as well as prevent the process of oxidation inside the body. These are generally used to keep one looking young and fresh, avoiding the typical effects of aging. The second type of hormone enhancement is intravenous hormone therapy, which is intended for people that are suffering with terminal diseases and congenital hormonal imbalances. This method can only begin with the approval of a designated doctor.
When used properly, hormone therapy is proven to be effective with little-to-no side effects. Treatments effectively work to help participants regain strength and wellness, assisting the body in its natural healing process by penetrating the inside of cells and reactivating cell growth, repair, and regeneration. In cancer patients, this works to boost the body's natural defenses, aiding in the fight against the disease.
While hormone therapy is safe and effective, consisting of virtually no risks when used properly, taking hormone enhancers in excessive amounts can lead to serious health risks. An overdose of oral hormone treatments can be deadly, oversaturating the body with cell enhancements. Continuous hormone intake can also weaken the immune system, as the hormones need extra energy to function at their best, pushing the immune system to the limit.