Cures for Sore Lips From Radiation Treatments
Lip Moisturizers
Use lip moisturizer every half hour to an hour throughout the day. Make sure the lip moisturizer is oil-based. ChapStick and Blistex both fit in this category. If you don't have those on hand, you can use good old- fashioned Vaseline. Apply the moisturizer to your lips generously. Make sure you wash your hands before and after you apply the moisturizer to keep germs away from your face.
Pain Relievers
Use a topical pain reliever if your lips are sore beyond your comfort level. Purchase a tube of Orajel, or Zilactin-B. These products are spread over your lips and work to numb the pain. Wash your hands and place an inch of the medication on your finger. Spread it on your lips and refrain from licking them. The medications will numb your tongue if you do. Use four times a day as needed for the pain.
Vitamin E
Buy a bottle of Vitamin E gel capsules. It is inexpensive and can be found at any health food store or pharmacy. Vitamin E is very easy to use and it's soothing and healing for sore lips. Take a sterilized pin and use it to puncture the a 400IU capsule. Squeeze out the liquid and wipe it on your lips. You can do this with your finger after you have washed it, or you can squeeze the liquid onto a cotton swab. Repeat twice a day.