Alkaline Cancer Prevention
One of the changes you can make to keep cancer away is to change what you eat. By knowing which foods are high in alkaline, you can have an alkaline-rich diet that will help keep your body free from sickness, disease and aging.
Cancer Hates Alkaline
Cancer loves to live in an acidic environment. To make their home or your body less inviting, you need to make it more alkaline. Cancer causes your pH levels to be low. The measure of pH is the between zero and 14 range. If you have a seven, then your pH level is balanced. If it is below a seven your body is alkaline or low in oxygen. If the numbers are above seven then your body is alkaline. For cancer cells to die, the alkaline levels must be at 8.5. To make the cells dormant your pH needs to be 7.5.
Change the Food You Eat
Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables. The best fruit and vegetables to eat are when they are in their natural state. Choose foods organically grown. When you grocery shop, spend most of your time picking up items from the outside isles. Grocery stores rarely have process foods along the perimeter walls. Limit the amount of red meats you eat. Avoid processed meats like lunch meats, hot dogs and bacon. Almost all processed meats have sodium nitrate and color dyes mixed in. Both of these are cancer-causing agents. Choose whole grains whenever possible. Avoid processed or refined grains and sugars
Fruits High in Alkaline Content
The fruits high in alkaline levels are lemons, limes, grapefruit, mangoes, papayas, apricots and watermelons. Other fruits that provide moderate levels of alkaline forming levels are dates, figs, melons, grapes, kiwi, blueberries, apples, pears and raisins. Buy these fruits when they are in season to save some money. Avoid canned fruits that are packed in sugar, or corn syrup. Fresh fruits are the best and if you can't find them, try frozen ones.
Vegetables High in Alkaline
For vegetables high in alkaline you will find it in these great-tasting varieties. They are asparagus, onions, vegetable juices, parsley, raw spinach, broccoli and garlic. For moderate amounts of alkaline vegetables of okra, squash, green beans, beets, celery, lettuce, zucchini, sweet potato and carob. These foods, when you test them, will show that they are acidic. It changes after you eat them, and during the digestion process is when they change from acidic to alkaline. Avoid canned vegetables as they have added sugar and salt. If you don't want to buy fresh, then frozen is better because there is nothing added.
Miscellaneous Alkaline Foods
When you cook, use olive oil instead of vegetable oil or shortening. Avoid eating barbecued meats or cut down on eating barbecue. Burned meat can be carcinogenic. By changing you diet, you will be detoxifying your body. In three days, you will have improved your health. You will notice a difference in energy, ward off sickness and cause your body to be a place where cancer cannot live.
Supplement your diet with minerals. Alkaline mineral supplements are cesium, rubidium and potassium. A diet with 20 percent acids and 80 percent alkaline is the best.