How to Prevent Hair Loss Resulting From Chemotherapy
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Rogaine (minoxidil)
- Hair trimming scissors
Begin applying Rogaine (minoxidil) to your scalp just before your chemotherapy treatments begin. Spread a small amount on your scalp, making sure it penetrates deep into the follicles.
Apply the Rogaine (minoxidil) to your scalp once daily after your treatments have begun.
Apply an ice-pack or cooling gel pack to your scalp one to two times daily. Recent studies have shown that scalp-cooling will help keep the hair follicles from splitting and causing hair loss.
Continue applying the cool pack and Rogaine throughout your chemotherapy treatment, and continue treatment for three to four weeks following your treatment.
Regularly trim your hair. Cutting off dead ends and keeping your hair healthy will also help prevent hair loss and encourage hair growth.