Cancer Infrared Therapy
The type of infrared therapy commonly used for alternative cancer treatments is called Far Infrared, or "FIR." This radiation is not visible, but transmits heat energy. This heat can be used for medical therapy.
Studies have shown that infrared heat can be used to reduce pain. This heat can be targeted on specific areas, and may promote detoxification, increase circulation and relax the body.
Cancer Effects
Some believe that infrared energy can be used as a cure in the future, however this use is still being researched. Infrared therapy is known to be a reliable treatment for managing the pain associated with cancer and is used along with other cancer treatments.
Infrared Sources
The most common infrared treatment sources use special heat lamps, targeted toward the body. Alternately, heat-radiating clothing and wraps are used for all day treatment.
Infrared energy use in cancer treatment continues to be studied and developed, particularly in the United States and Japan. As this research continues, many scientists hope a combination of treatments will soon be available to fight cancer painlessly.