Types of Chemo
Topical Chemotherapy
Topical chemotherapy involves chemotherapy drugs being applied to your skin. Drugs usually come in the form of a cream or lotion.
Some chemotherapy can be administered through a shot. You can get the shot at a doctor's office, hospital or clinic or administer the shot to yourself at home. Injections go either into your muscle or under your skin.
Oral Chemotherapy
Oral chemotherapy comes in pills or liquids. Not all drugs can be given in pill or liquid form. Some chemo drugs are too hard on the digestive system to be administered this way.
Intravenous Chemotherapy
Intravenous chemotherapy is the most common method of administering chemo drugs. The drugs are introduced into your body through an IV. Intravenous treatments are given at a clinic, hospital or doctor's office.
Combination Treatments
You may be given more than one chemo drug during treatment. If is not uncommon for multiple drugs to be given through an IV. Some patients get intravenous chemo and take an oral drug at home. You may combine your chemo with other treatment options like radiation or surgery.