Herbs That Cure Cancer
Garlic is known to inhibit carcinogen formation in the body. A person is exposed to carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) through various means, including pollution, charbroiled meats, processed foods and household cleaners. Garlic is also rich in sulfur, which helps detoxify the body.
Cat's Claw
Cat's claw is a woody vine native to the rain forest. The outer bark of this plant has been found to enhance immune function and exhibit anti-tumor properties. Cat's claw has the unique ability to balance immune cell levels, whether too high or too low. It can be taken in tea form, as a tincture or in capsules.
In Europe, mistletoe extracts are commonly used as a treatment for cancer. Active components of mistletoe, known as lectins, poison cancer cells and stimulate the immune system. Mistletoe extracts can increase the activity of the immune system's natural killer cells by as much as five- to tenfold. In animal studies, mistletoe extracts prevented melanoma cancer from spreading to lung tissue by 80 percent.
The only type of mistletoe safe to take internally is European mistletoe. American mistletoe is poisonous and should never be consumed. Mistletoe has been found effective in cancers of the bladder, genitals and digestive tract, even in "inoperable" cases. The most commonly used form of mistletoe is injection, but it is also taken orally, in powder or tincture form. Different cancer types respond to different methods.
The maitake mushroom is an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and resist infection. Maitake extract significantly boosts immune function. In addition, it contains polysaccharides known to fight the formation and growth of tumors. In laboratory tests, maitake increased the activity of immune cells by 140 to 186 percent. In animal studies, it reduced tumor formation by 86 percent. It is most effective against breast and colorectal cancers. There have also been successful reports in cases of leukemia, liver, stomach and lung cancers.
Kelp is believed to prevent both angiogenesis (the process by which tumors develop blood supply) and fibrin formation. Kelp is one of the best sources of iodine, which regulates the thyroid gland, producer of thyroxine. Thyroxine helps the cells absorb oxygen and burn glucose for energy. Without adequate iodine, this process is impaired, and the cells ferment in an anaerobic reaction. Based on the studies of Otto Warburg, we know that anaerobic conditions are a breeding ground for cancer. There are several other herbs known to help fight cancer, including ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and pau d'arco, to name a few.