Carcinoid Cancer Diet
Increase Protein Intake
Eat twice as much protein per day as a healthy individual would. This does not mean you should eat a huge steak every day. What it does mean is that you need to pay attention to the amount of protein you receive and make a special effort to get enough. A person who is about 150 pounds and is at her ideal body weight should eat between 10 and 15 ounces of protein each day from foods high in proteins such as veal, lamb, beef, pork, chicken, dairy products and eggs.
Low Fat Intake
Watch your fat intake. The amount of fat in your diet should be relatively low. About 25 percent or 30 percent of calories in your diet should come from fat.
Some people with carcinoid cancer also tend to have diarrhea. Foods high in fat increase this likelihood.
Carcinoid cancer patients who take sandostatin to control the growth of tumors may find that the medication reduces the ability to digest. This can result in steatorrhea, the occurrence of excess fat in the stool. This results in a further loss of needed nutrients.
Because many people with carcinoid cancer have had intestinal surgery, they often have shortened intestines. A low-fat diet will make digesting easier and will decrease diarrhea.
Healthy Carbohydrates
Eat healthy carbohydrates. Eat five to 10 servings daily of carbohydrates in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Epidemiological studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables helps protect people against cancer. Clinical trials have shown that those who eat large amounts of grains, fruits and vegetables are less likely to have cancer. One reason this is thought to be true: Some compounds in carbohydrates are thought to protect against cancer.
Researchers have not been able to identify any single food that helps reduce cancer risk. Instead, some think a combination of chemicals in foods rich in carbohydrates helps reduce the risk of cancer.