Gerson Therapy for Cancer

The Gerson therapy is an alternative method of treating cancer using minerals, enzymes, and dietary changes. The therapy incorporates organic fruits, vegetables, and grains that feed the body with many nutrients. You will also take supplements that support your cells' ability to make energy. Finally, detoxification is a big part of the Gerson therapy, so treatments such as enemas are used to remove harmful toxins from the body.
  1. History and Theory

    • The Gerson therapy is named after Dr. Max B. Gerson, who first used his idea to treat migraines and then tuberculosis in the 1930s. The idea behind the therapy for cancer is that malignancies occur when toxic materials build up in the body. Dr. Gerson believed that cancer stems from the liver's being overworked and that people with too much sodium and too little potassium have damaged tissue and weakened organs. The Gerson therapy's goal is to repair the liver and get your metabolism back to normal.


    • If you decide to try Gerson therapy you must adhere to many strict guidelines. The first is drinking 13 glasses of juice made from fruits and vegetables each day. All meals must be strictly vegetarian, composed of only organic food. You will need to take a number of supplements, including potassium, flaxseed oil, pancreatic enzymes, pepsin, and many others. You will also need to undergo coffee or chamomile enemas to remove toxins from the body. All food must also be prepared without spices, salt, or oils. Aluminum cookware and utensils must be avoided as well.


    • The FDA has not approved Gerson therapy for cancer treatment or anything else. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), data on Gerson therapy is only retrospective information. In 1947 and 1959 the NCI evaluated Dr. Gerson's patients and found the therapy to have no value. A 1990 Austrian study on a similar therapy said that patients lived longer with fewer complications, but called for more data. In 1995 the Gerson Research Organization published a retrospective study that claimed that patients with late-stage melanoma who used Gerson therapy lived longer than the average patient in the same state, but no clinical trials were conducted to back up the evidence.

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