Dasatinib Side Effects
General Side Effects
Those treated with Dasatinib have reported many general side effects that include fever (39 percent), fatigue (39 percent), pain (26 percent) abdominal pain (25 percent), decreases in weight, lack of strength(19 percent), mucosal inflammation (16 percent) and dizziness (14 percent), states Drugs.com. Other common side effects include chest pain, chills, weight gain, malaise (frequently reported) and fluid retention between the tissues in the lung and chest. In rare cases, patients have reported edema and ascites.
Cardiovascular/Hematologic Side Effects
Cardiovascular side effects include irregular heartbeat, fluid in the tissues of the chest, palpitations, decrease in blood pressure, increased blood pressure, flushing, chest pain, and heart attack explains drugs.com. Complications within the ventricles and congestive heart failure have also been reported. As reported by Drugs.com, hematologic side effects include decreased production of white blood cells by bone marrow, blood clots, anemia (70 percent) and hemorrhage. In many cases, lack of all types of blood cells have been experienced by those taking Dasatinib.
Gastrointestinal/Respiratory Side Effects
Reported gastrointestinal side effects have included diarrhea (49 percent), nausea (34 percent), vomiting (22 percent), anorexia (19 percent) and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (14 percent). Drugs.com also states that constipation, anal fissures, indigestion, difficulty swallowing, upper GI ulcers and irritation in the throat have been experienced. Respiratory side effects are disease in the airways, cough, upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, pulmonary edema and hypertension and asthma. Rare side effects as explained by Drugs.com include bronchospasm and respiratory distress.
Dermatologic/Musculoskeletal Side Effects
Those treated with Dasatinib have experienced itching of the skin, dry skin, acne, hives, eczema, sensitivity to sunlight, nail disorder and changes in pigmentation. Drugs.com reports that in rare cases, skin ulcers, blistering of the skin, purple spots on the skin (livedo reticularis) and inflammation of the fatty tissue under the skin (panniculitis). Rashes seem to be the most common skin side effect. Muscular weakness, pain, joint pain, stiffness and tendonitis have also been common musculoskeletal side effects.
Further Side Effects
Additional side effects associated with Dasatinib include headache, tremors, dizziness, drowsiness and convulsions. In rare cases, renal side effects have included elevated creatinine. Drugs.com explains that decrease in libido, confusion, anxiety, depression and insomnia are common psychiatric side effects. Dry eyes, infections of the eye, vision changes and changes in menstrual cycles are also possible side effects of Dasatinib. Seek medical attention if any of these become serious or persist.