Essiac Liquid Tea Is Good for What Type of Cancer
Essiac Tea is a type of tea developed by Rene Caisse, a nurse from Canada. She based her recipe on an Ojibwa Indian medicine man's concoction. After treating her aunt's cancer in 1924, she opened a clinic. The main ingredients are sheep sorrel, slippery elm, burdock root and Turkish rhubarb root. Several other herbs often are included though these are the main four consistent with all variations of the tea. Essiac is "Caisse" spelled backwards.
What It Can Do
Supposedly, Essiac Tea is capable of all sorts of things once ingested. A few of its benefits include improving the immune system, boosted appetite, cell repair, pain relief, energy boost, detoxification of the body and reduced tumors. These benefits are based on hearsay and testimonials, not clinical studies or experiments.
Not Effective As Cancer Treatment
Even though Essiac Tea is sought after as an alternative cancer treatment, it is not effective as such. It is generally not thought of as harmful, so including it in your diet probably won't cause any problems. In fact, some who ingest this tea report feeling better, calmer and as having a boosted well-being. This may be psychological or the ingredients may provide a soothing effect on the body. That being said, inform your doctor if you decide to include Essiac Tea into your cancer regimen and don't rely on this tea as your sole form of treatment.
Side Effects
Even though Essiac Tea isn't thought of as harmful, it can cause a few side effects, which are mostly digestive in origin. The most common includes nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and headaches.