Exercise Benefits for Cancer Patients
The medical community's heightened interest in the positive effects of exercise on cancer patients is part of a larger trend in medicine that values patients' quality of life as much as their length of life.
Talk with your doctor about developing an exercise regimen that takes into account your fitness level prior to diagnosis, your energy levels following diagnosis, and the nature of your specific disease and treatment. Types of exercise may range from stretching in bed to walks outside, weight training or swimming.
In addition to the benefits of exercise for cancer patients outlined by the American Cancer Society (countering ailments caused by prolonged bed rest, reducing stress and alleviating fatigue), studies continue to identify others. For example, exercise can help reduce diseases symptoms, curb side effects of cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, and even prolong survival.
In addition to consulting their doctor, cancer patients should listen to their bodies and not overexert themselves. Activity levels following a cancer diagnosis should not exceed those maintained prior to diagnosis.
Famous Ties
Cycling superstar Lance Armstrong maintained a stringent workout regimen throughout his battle with testicular cancer and is living proof that some cancer patients can maintain and benefit from exercise while undergoing treatment.
There are numerous journals that feature the latest findings on the role and benefits of exercise in the lives of cancer patients: Cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Integrative Cancer Therapies, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Journal of Supportive Oncology, and Psychooncology.