How Much Does a Bone Marrow Transplant Cost?
Autologous Transplant
The cost of an autologous transplant can range from $50,000 to $100,000. A transplant is defined as autologous when the patient earlier donates her individual stem cells that are preserved for a transplant at a later date.
Allogenic Transplant
An allogenic transplant is generally more expensive than the autologous method, costing anywhere from $150,000 to $200,000. When the person donating the stem cells is a genetically matched family member ,the transplant is referred to as allogenic-related. When the donor is not related to the patient it is called an allogenic-unrelated transplant.
Syngeneic Transplant
In cases when the person donating the stem cells is an identical twin to the patient it is called a syngeneic transplant. It is comparable in price to an allogeneic-related transplant.
National Marrow Donor Program
Even patients who have health insurance can expect to pay at least some expenses out of pocket. You may want to contact the National Marrow Donor Program for financial advice. The organization assists patients who have specific questions about the costs associated with a bone-marrow transplant and may be able to suggest financial-aid options.
Raising Money to Fund your Transplant
Fundraisers can be a lucrative and enjoyable way to raise money for your bone-marrow transplant. Enlist the help of your family and friends to plan such an event.
Ask your health-care provider or transplant specialist if you quality for funds from the Be-The-Match Foundation Patient Assistant Program. The program offers financial aid to patients who have little or no insurance to help pay for a bone-barrow transplant.
Post Transplant Expenses
There will be additional expenses to consider as you recover from a bone-marrow transplant. It can take six months or longer to fully recuperate. Some or all of the tests, medications and post-treatment visits to your doctor may be covered by your insurance.