Free Cancer Treatments

The normal cancer treatment routes for cancer sufferers sometimes are not an option. A lack of insurance or strength to go through chemotherapy might be the reasons, but there still might be free treatments available that could help.
  1. Bacterial Treatments

    • You can qualify for a free cancer treatment when physicians and scientists are experimenting with new therapies. As of 2009, bacterial treatments were being tested. The treatments use steroids, which "infect" a cancer tumor with bacteria. The bacteria then consumes all of the oxygen from the tumor, making it unstable and eventually dying. Universities testing new treatments often are looking for test groups.

    Gene Therapy

    • In the experimental stages as of 2009, gene therapy is used for cancer suppression. The process involves introducing genes into tumors to suppress their growth. Doctors conducting clinical trials need patients.

    Photodynamic Therapy

    • Doctors testing this non-invasive treatment as of 2009 used a delicate combination of ultraviolet light and drugs that are made to react when the body comes in contact. These drugs are called photosensitive drugs. Like gene therapy, photodynamic therapy is experimental for cancer treatments.

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