The Breuss Method to Cure Cancer
The Breuss method involved avoiding solid food and drinking only his juice and herbal-tea concoctions for 42 days. He believed that cancer cells needed protein so it should be withheld while the nutritional properties in his teas worked to detoxify and rid the body of waste as the cancer cells starved.
Make the Breuss tea by using raw organic vegetables, which first may be fermented. The tea is made from beets, carrots, celery root, potatoes and radishes. The following proportions are to be used:
55 percent beets
20 percent carrots
20 percent celery root
3 percent raw potatoes
2 percent radishes
Juice the beets, carrots, celery, potatoes and radishes. Make only enough juice for one day because it should be as fresh as possible. Pour the juice through a filter to remove all sediments. The juice is to be sipped slowly and mixed well with saliva before swallowing. It is to be consumed in small quantities throughout the day, up to a daily total of a half-quart.
Breuss did not allow concurrent cancer treatments and suggested one should wait a few months after surgery before starting his treatment. He also advocated exercise and getting plenty of fresh air. He urged the avoidance of chemicals found in cleaners and suggested patients should not eat reheated food.
After the 42-day cancer treatment was over, Breuss advised adding soft, light foods back into the diet and continuing the vegetable juice mixture for another two to four weeks while eating solid food.
Drink herbal tea throughout the day, as directed by Breuss, to stay hydrated. He recommended the use of a kidney-cleansing tea each morning and evening. This tea contained stinging nettle, horsetail, knot grass and St. John's Wort. The kidney tea was to be taken for only the first three weeks of treatment. He also suggested making a tea of peppermint, lemon balm and St. John's Wort and drinking two cups daily along with sage tea whenever thirsty. Cranes bill tea was recommended daily to stimulate saliva and to aid digestion.
Use caution when following a restrictive diet. The Breuss method not only restricts the type of food consumed but the amount. This may have a negative effect on your health if it already is compromised with cancer or weakened by chemotherapy. If you choose to try the Breuss method to cure your cancer, it is best to do so under supervision of a qualified medical professional.