The Best Treatment for Cancer
Surgery is often one of the most effective methods to treat individuals with different kinds of cancer. Surgical procedures vary sharply from individual to individual, and the type of surgery depends on the proliferation and spread of cancer cells inside the patient's body. In the most frequently used surgical technique, a small part of the damaged organ (due to cancer) is removed from the individual's body to stop the cancer from spreading. However in serious cases, where the cancer has spread to other body parts or has completely damaged an organ, the entire organ is removed in order to prevent further spreading of the cancer cells.
When chemotherapy is used for treatment, certain anti-cancer drugs such as Pacitaxel or Velban are administered in powerful doses to patients. When given in strong doses, these medications often damage the cancer cells by cutting off their blood supply, averting the spread of the malignant cells to other organs.
Radiotherapy, also commonly known as radiation therapy or irradiation, is a treatment that is frequently recommended to individuals suffering from different forms of cancer. In this method, the cancer cells are exposed to infrared and laser beams using an EBRT (External Beam Radiotherapy). It has been found that such an exposure diminishes the size of tumors and often damages and destroys cancer cells.
Targeted Drug Therapy
In targeted-drug therapy treatment, drugs such as Sorafenib (Nexavar) and antibiotics such as trastuzumab are used. These drugs are often effective in controlling the growth of cancer cells by preventing new blood vessel generation, controlling the spreading and uncontrolled division of the cancer cells.