Naturopathic Cancer Treatment
Nutritional Treatment
There are certain foods that can be added or eliminated in order to help your cancer prognosis. According to the Alternative Medicine Channel, "it is generally recommended that the diet consist of 25--30% protein, 40--50% carbohydrate, and 20% fat."
Fresh, raw vegetables and fruit are the best; none of the nutrients have been cooked out of them. Add foods to your diet, including green tea, foods with fiber, whole grain foods, fish such as tuna or salmon, olive oil, garlic, almonds, and tomatoes. Drink lots of water, in fact, fifty percent of how much you weigh in ounces every day; however, avoid water that has chlorine or fluoride in it.
It's better to avoid processed, fatty, sugary foods; sugar only serves to feed the cancer, helping it to grow. Even eating less meat in your diet may help, although some patients need the protein and fat in their diet if they are losing muscle. Alcohol, food colorings, caffeine, foods that are fried, and even dairy should all be avoided or extremely limited.
Certain vitamins, herbs, and supplements are used daily to help supplement the patient's treatment plan as well. Doctors at Cancer Treatment Centers of America have a multivitamin that they recommend called Immuno Max. The same doctors also recommend a host of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium (l-selenomethionine), eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, coenzyme Q10, arginine, and glutamine. Of course, you should collaborate with your doctor to see which amounts and kinds of supplements would be right for you and help to complement your specific cancer treatment.
Other supplements might include cod liver oil, two grams every day; modified citrus pectin, six grams twice a day, which works on the growth and spread of the cancer; glutamine, two teaspoons three times a day, which helps your immunity and your gastrointestinal system; and one quart of green tea every day, which has tons of antioxidants. Again, consult with your doctor on dosages and amounts.
Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathic treatments coincide with regular cancer treatments in that they help to build up your immune system. Essential oils might be used to relieve pain or stomach upset. Exercise can be a great form of therapy, so it's important to get out and take a walk or a jog to get your heart moving. Massage can be especially useful in helping you to relax. Another technique might include dry brushing, which works on circulation.
Psychological Components
Treatment also includes seeking out others with similar conditions. You can accomplish this through involvement in a support group. It's also important to take time to relax and unwind; use visual imagery, which is a process of envisioning a place you want to be, and totally relaxing from head to toe with eyes closed, and keep that mental image in place.
Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is one treatment that is especially helpful in providing relief from the side effects of the chemo. Other courses of Chinese medicine treatment might include acupressure and herbs. Herbs include Astragalus, which helps to fight fatigue and raise the amount of neutrophils, without which the patient can't undergo his usual chemotherapy. Cardamom and ginger help with stomach upset. Qi Gong exercises might also be prescribed to help with the emotions and stress that a diagnosis of or treatment of cancer brings with it.